ConChord 6

October 12-14, 1990
Holiday Inn - LAX
Los Angeles, California

GOH: Julia Ecklar
Toastmaster: Joey Shoji
Chair: Eric Gerds
Memberships $25 Till October 5, 1990
Supporting $8
138 Members

The Committe consisted of the following filkers:

The official recordings were done by Thor Productions.

Dealers present in the dealers room: Thor Productions, DAG Productions, Unlikely Publications, Carolly Hauksottir, Wail Songs and Ramdom Factors.

There was a Kibitz and Kids Room that was open during concerts. The room had a live feed from the concert room.


The Con started in the early afternoon. (Mostly just early registration.)

Video footage from the early hours of the convention.

7:00pm Voice workshop hosted by Mark Bernstein in Captians A.

8:00pm. There was a fairwell party for Tera Mitchell in Captains B and a Performers Circle in the Concord Room.


10:00am Mark Bernstein hosts a second voice workshop in Captains A. There was a Guitar workshop in Captains B.

12:00pm Joey Shoji interviews Julia Ecklar in Captains B, and there was a Green HIlls Rehearsal in Captians A.

At 1:00pm the two main events took place in the Concord room...

The Totally Tasteless & Tacky Concert Hosted by Basil St. John Volsmirth VII

The Kazoo Awards hosted by John and Mary Creasey